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Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Trip Series: HO HO HO Merry Christmas with Nana

It was a Christmas MIRACLE!!  The boys slept in until the unheard of hour of 8:30!!  That never ever ever happens.  They are 6:30-7am wakers.  Totally worth their grumpiness from bad naps the night before!
Merry Christmas 2009!

The cute little Christmas Tree with and without the cute little boys!

First stop - stockings!
Shayna before and after opening the stocking.  Note, Shayna's Nana made this stocking for her many many many years ago - 20 years maybe?

Next stop, breakfast!  Pancakes-GOOD, Bacon-GOOD, Fruit-GOOD, Juice-GOOD, Milk-GOOD.  Fun to have the kitchen in the hotel.  We had access to the free breakfast in the lobby, but then we'd have to shower or at least change out of our jammies!

Next stop, presents!  The boys did a great job of waiting patiently for their presents, but once they were given the green light, it was WATCH OUT!

Nana helping with the presents

Wyatt opening his present

Zachary opening his present

Here we all are, post present opening, proving that NO pictures should be taken before showers and changing clothes!  Who was that jerk with the camera anyway??

And lastly, a lovely shot of the great fireplace we had at the wonderful Homewood Suites.

After Mom/Nana and Art got their showers and got ready to go, they took the boys, along with Wyatt's new soccer ball, to the basketball court while I showered and got us packed up.  Piled everything into the stuffed car and headed off to MeMa & Poppi's house for round 2 of Christmas - after the boys' naps!

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