Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Sinterklaas (finally!) comes to Keeney St.

Sinterklaas came a bit late to Keeney St.  Probably because he and all the Piets had to take the boat from Holland to the US before heading back to Spain.  We basically waiting until the last possible minute to get everything done.  I kept saying that I was about 3 days behind this year, and finally just ran out of time.  We are celebrating on December 18th (the actual date is Dec 5), in the morning, before we: 1. go visit our Senior, Mr. Steffek, 2. go to Zach's preschool Christmas party, and 3. leave for GA.  Whew.  Alas, we make sure we enjoyed the morning and did not rush anything. Here is Art reading the first rhyme.

We did some dancing this morning, but I didn't record it, so here is some dancing from Dec. 12. Pretty much all Sinterklaas dancing ended in wrestling or falling...hence the pillows.

Mom and boys.  Zach cooperating, and Wyatt not so happy.

Art doling out the presents that Sinterklaas left at the front door (while Mommy ran like the wind back to the back door.

Wyatt testing out Zach's "big" Sinterklaas present (Thanks PietOma and PietOpa!).  Good standing!

Here is Zach's first go on his new scooter...a natural!

Zach opening the little present. He was fairly patient waiting for his rhymes to be read. Wyatt had no idea what was going on, and if he wasn't opening, he just wandered around.

Zach doing a "good" smile for the camera.

Wyatt opening his set of 3 animal puzzles while Zachary stares off.

Wyatt with the "big" present from Sinterklaas (thanks PietOma & PietOpa!), a Thomas playhut with tunnel (not pictured)

The boys testing out the playhut while Art and I pack the car.

Mostly the kids thought the ryhmes were pretty boring, but they both loved loved loved running around the house to find the next clue that led them to the eventual present.  Big hit.  Zach also loved the CD that SinterklaasArt made for him with his current favorite songs.  Wyatt did not try on his homemade gift until much later - Jan 8th - but he loved it then.  We took a onsie and cut out the belly, so when he put it on, his belly was exposed.  That was a huge hit, since he loves to pat his nakey belly.  They also received: Wy- baby tiger figurine, set of 3 animal puzzles, and a book w/ wheels; Z- car suitcase in shape of a wheel w/ a spinner, mystery car, and a bowl that he decorated at preschool.  Along with the playhut/tunnel and scooter.

Last year when we were packing the car, snow was on the ground and Art had to dig out the car.  This year we thought we were doing much better until we realized that flurries were starting to fall.  Time to skip town!

Here is some Sinterklaas dancing from November 19th.



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