Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, December 18, 2009

YMCA Part-day Preschool Ladybugs Christmas Party

Our final task before heading off to GA (with a weekend stopover in Knoxville first)...attending Zachary's preschool Christmas Party.  This time they combined both the TuTh classes and the MWF classes (some kids go everyday), so there were some kids there that Zach didn't know.  It was a cute time, and probably worth the hour we spent there.

Zach at the table on the right (in red), sitting next to CAROLINE of course.  Poor Natalie (Caroline's twin) was home sick.

Wyatt just made himself at home at the party.  He loves Zach's classroom and tries to stay every time we drop Zach off.  He felt as though he should be involved with everything.

Zachary and Caroline (Zach's #1) vamping for the camera.

Part of his class playing duck duck goose.  When it was Zach's turn, he (shocker!) picked Caroline as his goose.  Then, when it was Caroline's turn, she picked Zach.  The teacher had to make her repick so other kids could get a chance.  Cute.

I thought I got some video of duck duck goose, but apparently not.  Art also tried to take a picture of Zachary at the tool work bench, wearing safety goggles.  I had not seen him play there before.  The pic didn't turn out though.  It was plenty cute.

Then all the kids sat down to do an ornament craft.  The picture of Zachary we brought to make an ornament with was too big, so I took the craft stuff with me, and we'll do the craft later.  So we left the party early.  I sent Zachary over to say goodbye to Caroline, but she was totally engrossed with someone else and paid no attention to Zach's "bye Carowine, bye bye.  He Carowine, bye.  Bye Carowine..."  Sigh.  Girls. :)

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