Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Trip Series: Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve started off at Tante JaJa's house, where we'd been since 12.20.  After a leisurely breakfast, we got packed up and ready to go.  First, before leaving however, we needed to do our 2nd annual Oma lunch tradition of Oma Sweet (now 102) taking us to lunch at Locos.  Oma Sweet eats a HUGE amount of food - chicken fingers, fries, slaw - compared to her few crumbs she usually eats at home.  A very nice lunch together, then pack the boys into the car and headed towards the Homewood Suites in P'tree Corner.  This is where we would be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Nana. The hotel was great great great.  They upgraded our suite to a 2 bedroom suite.  One area had the kitchen, living room, fireplace and a bedroom w/ King bed off to the side.  Then there was an adjoining area with a bedroom w/ 2 double beds, and a bathroom.  Art and I got the king bed, Zach got one double bed, Nana the other, and Wy in this pack-n-play.  The boys did not get great naps in the car and were a bit cranky...until they learned they could jump on the bed as much as they wanted!
Here is Wyatt enjoying the ridiculous number of pillows in the room - I think 6 for each bed!

Zachary practicing how he'll sleep later that evening

Boys jumping and playing in the nest

Zachary in the nest w/ Wy & DaU visiting

Zachary checking out the decorations Nana brought, and putting ornaments on the tree

Then off to Peachtree Corners Baptist for the Christmas Eve service.  It was to be a short one, so no childcare.  The boys were...let's just say not on their best behavior.  During prayer, Zach loudly demands "Mommy, why aren't you talking?  TALK!!".   While Wyatt kept trying to throw things off the balcony.  Lovely.  Back to the hotel to fix dinner while Nana gave the boys a bath.  We ended up having a picnic in front of the fireplace, and the boys ate fairly well.  They went to bed a bit early since they were exhausted.  Mom/Nana made us some of her special hot chocolate, then I got to watch A CHRISTMAS STORY - the best Christmas movie, followed closely by Elf.  SO glad we were in ATL, where our sweet TBS has a 24 hour marathon of the movie.  Glorious.  Watched the end of it while lounging in my overly comfy feather bed & comfortor King bed, with not a care in the world!



Blogger Bethany Headley said...

Hey, so excited about new blogs from you guys. Very entertained by your boys in church. Joaquin tries to hurry over long prayers with semi-loud "Amens". Apparently it's the magic word to end prayers.

4:42 PM  

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