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Friday, December 04, 2009

Fun Ladies Event

The ladies of my Small Group bible study had a fun even on Dec. 4th.  A cookie swap party.  Everyone was to make about 45-60 cookies and bring them with them...or bring the ingredients and make them at the party. Then everyone would take home 4-5 cookies from each different one.   It was such a fun idea!  I brought the ingredients to make fudge - SO EASY - but never did get a chance to make it.  The oven and stove were commandeered the entire time.  So I made my fudge - 2 kinds, one w/ peppermints, one w/ green & red sugar sprinkles - on Sunday and brought it to Small Group.

One of the massive cookie tables!  Yum!!

Jackie Swale, Katie Satrom, and Evie Davis all at the cookie decorating station.

Most of the ladies were able to make it, which made for a great turnout: me, Alicia (who hosted it at her house), Stephanie, Jackie, Katie, Robin,  Elizabeth, Colleen, Carolyn, and 2 foreign exchange students Alicia knows.  It was such a fun time, that we had to drag ourselves away around 10:30!  I took Colleen home and got home well after 11.  Art wasn't thrilled, since he'd waited up for me, but at least I came bearing treats!

Fun time!



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