Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gymboree Birthday Party

Zachary got invited to a birthday party for his friend Max, whom he knows from preschool. The party was held at Gymboree at 3pm. Odd time for us, b/c Zachary is usually sleeping at that time. We decided to try and make it work though. We let Zach sleep about an hour, then woke him up, and he and Art went to the party. We thought that Wyatt would be in the way a bit, an not really welcome, so he stayed home with me.

Art was sad that I missed out on all the fun, so he took a BUNCH of pictures, and even more videos, so I would feel like I had been there. Here's what he got.

The Gymboree Party room

Hanging out with Kyuri, who is also in his preschool class.

Here they are on the floor mats. Looks like fun!

Art also took a bunch of videos.  I've narrowed it down to 4 "interesting" ones:

Zachary in a jumping tube

Zachary pounding the maracas on the floor

Zachary wrestling with Charlie, also a preschool classmate

Zach playing chase with Max, the birthday boy, and Charlie

All in all, Zach loved it and spoke for many days about the virtues of Gymboree. He brought home a beach ball, stickers, and a balloon. Turned out it would have been ok for Wyatt to go, but you never know.



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