Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, July 06, 2009

Wyatt's First Big Owie

Today Wyatt got his first big owie. Zach, Wyatt, and I were at the playground while Art, Tante JaJa, and Tante Mieke were in downtown CHI. Wy has only been walking exclusively for a few weeks now, and shoes can still be a hindrance for him. Well, he was chasing Spongebob Ball, then tripped over it, landing with his face on the concrete. :( He was bleeding a good bit on his nose and lip, and of course screaming up a storm. Zach was in the swing, and I told him, while holding a screaming Wyatt, that we needed to go home, and his very-sensitive reply was "Why?".

Here is Wyatt, later that day.

Poor poor Wyatt. Once recovered though, it never seemed to bother him.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh poor little Wy-baby! Hope he's feeling better now.
I miss you guys soooo much... COME VISIT!! INSIDEOUT NEEDS YOU!!!!!! (don't feel guilty, or anything). Actually, mostly we need your and Art's sense of humor :). It's been great seeing all these pictures of ya'll, though. Say hey to Art, Zach and Wyatt for me.
God bless,

7:15 AM  

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