Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Glorious Weather! Coldy Lake!

NOW I finally get it. I finally GET why everyone says that the summers here completely make up for the tough winters. It was wonderful today! Originally, the weather was supposed to be HOT - high of about 91. Lucky for all of us, a nice breeze came through the windy city and dropped it down to a tolerable 86 degrees. We spent the evening, from about 4:30 - 5:45 at the beach. I love that there is a beach so close. I feel like we're on vacation. The lake is clear water as far out as we've gone. BUT IT WAS SO COLD. Art and I were both hoping that Zach would not want to go far out in it and do some swimming. No such luck. After playing around up to his waist, Zach said "Yet's get my swimmies and GO SWIMMING". SO COLD! But luckily it does not take long for the body to go numb. :) Wyatt was desperate to join us out there but Art, admittedly being a sissy, refused to go past his ankles in the cold water so Wy had to settle for getting wet up to his knees. Word is that the water warms up to 'tolerable' in late July. Then a raucous good time building sand castles - with a bucket of clean water every ready for Zach to use when his hands got "too dirty". :)

Zach rode his bike to the beach, and he can really motor when he wants to. We were heading home and Zach was going slower than he can walk, complaining the whole time about a variety of things (don't wash my heat, sand in my feet, tires are white (from the sand), too thirsty, etc). So finally Art and I decided that I would motor on home w/ Wy in the stroller and let Mr. Complainy-Slowpoke make his way home; that way I could get Wy in the bath and cleaned up and dinner (YUMMY cous cous w/ tomatoes, corn, and black beans!) going. Zach did not like this plan, once he figured out that Mommy was going very fast and not waiting for him. So Zachary took off on his bike and left Art way behind. Then it was a fun game to leave DaU so far behind and beat him home. The boys and I got home and Zach turned around to laugh at Art for being so slow. Proper motivation I guess.

Still, despite having to take Wyatt to the lab at the hospital (POSH hospital BTW) for routine bloodwork - heart wrenching, it was a great day. A 2 hour nap for me (much needed since the boys were up at 5:45am and Art slept until 8:30), some time in the morning for just me (w/ Wy asleep and Art & Z outside shooting hoops), and some much-loved beach time. Good day.

I have no pictures to post for this entry, so here is a blast from the past, courtesy of Aunt Juicenana's camera. Try to guess - who is this, Zachary or Wyatt??


Blogger Maddy said...

That is Zach for shoh!

3:00 PM  

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