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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Where's DaU?

July 27, 2013

On Saturdays we get to lie in bed a bit longer than normal days.  We stay in bed as absolutely long as possible.  Eventually, however, the hooligans get tired of us being inert, or the get hungry, or they revolt over a dirty diaper...something.  Today however, we were REALLY not wanting to get out of bed.  Payback from the boys - bury us alive.  I escaped long enough to take pictures

DaU is under there somewhere...under Buster, the soccer pillows, the "DaU pillows" I commissioned Stephanie M. to make, under the Cars "husband" pillows, under the couch pillows, and under the duvets.  Hopefully he is still breathing...maybe he has a snorkel under there.

Zachary and Wyatt proud of their work...and ready for us to get up.


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