Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Last Day of School!!!!

Yea!!  Today is Zachary's last day of school!  At King Lab the day would have been only an hour long, mainly to get the report cards.  At Steven's Creek it is also a short day, but 3 hours long, and also to get report cards.

here's our boy on his first day at Steven's Creek, back in January
Scared, nervous, sad, knowing no one (ummm, me too!)

And on his last day just a bit less than 5 months later

Here he is happy, with friends, knowing how it all works, and what to expect from most situations (hey, me too!)

We are so proud of how well he has adjusted.  He still misses his friends, house, school, and especially David, but has come through the move with flying colors!  

After picking him up, we headed to Apple to have lunch with DaU to celebrate his last day.  He did not even have to have a picnic lunch - he got yummy pizza from the MacCafe.  Jealous! :)

Here's us walking back to the car, and this sexy guy in front of us lifting weights

Hee hee.  Art carrying Yannick and Wyatt back to the car.

So excited to have Zachary home with us for the summer!


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