Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

First Day of Summer!!

Ahhhh, yes, finally I get all three boys at home with me again.  Just what I wanted right?? Arrrggghhh....not after breakfast was a disaster of spills, arguing, fighting, among the boys.  I think this transition to having 3 at home is going to be a bear for a few days.  Still, we made a great day of it.

All boys still in their jammies.  W and Y wanted to ride their bikes on the sidewalk, so we did

Boys are getting so good on their bikes!

Zachary wanted to spend some more time with his legos, so he got to do that too, while the other two rode on the sidewalk

Here's my oldest sitting in the window playing with the lego table.

Then I insisted on going to the library to get some books for the summer, join the summer reading club, and let Yannick go to the toddler story time.  The entire trip was a near disaster, but all things were accomplished, though without much finesse. 

Then, I was somehow conned by the three boys into going to McDonalds (the only restaurant with a play place) for lunch to "celebrate the first day of summer".  It is so rare that they all 3 agree on what to do, that I had to acquiesce!

here they are dutifully eating their kids meals.  For the record, Yannick eats all 4 of his nuggets, while both of this big brothers struggle to eat 2 of theirs. :)

Now crazy shenanigans in the play place

Now I'm setting up my phone with all the good summer schedules!

We are officially ready for summer! :)


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