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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Date Night!

June 13, 2013
To celebrate the first day of summer, Art and I had the first date of summer.  I dropped the kids off at the J family house, and picked up Art.  I had packed us a picnic lunch, and he had scored a free salad to add to the meal.  We were headed to a park in Los Altos to listen to a Michael Jackson tribute band (Foreverland).  The band was amazing - not so much because they were so talented (which they sounded just fine), but more because they were huge!  A 14 piece band complete with horn section.  They had three main vocalists: one for little kid MJ, one for Beat It era, and one for the later, odder MJ. Plenty of choreography, even by the horn section.  Pretty impressive.  We were late which was terrible, because who knew what we had missed! :)  But we did get PYT, Thriller, Billy Jean, Smooth Criminal, Beat It, among others.  Quite enjoyable really!

Foreverland - the 14 piece Michael Jackson tribute band

Art barely able to look away from the band for a picture! :)

The show was over at 8pm, which was way too early for us to go get our kids!  So to continue the "free night" theme, we took a Starbucks card and had a coffee and a chat for about an hour before getting the boys.  

A lovely evening!


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