Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy 5th birthday Zachary!

Our baby boy is turning 5! FIVE! It seems so old! How did it go so fast?

Zachary's birthday starts the same every year - with having balloons dumped on him  in his bed while we sing happy birthday.  This year instead of just dumping them, Art tried to use a fan and blow them into the room.

Here Zachary is kicking all the balloons in the air

Wyatt not wanting to wait until his own bday balloon dump in 4 days

Then off to breakfast where his chair is decorated

He opened a present at breakfast - Dash from the Incredibles

At dinner it was time for cake, candles and the rest of the presents!

Opening presents

Excited about the Incredibles book (thanks Ebay for all the Incredibles toys!)

Then, to top off the evening Art did a sleepover with the boys, which they ADORE!

Art reading to Zach & Wyatt on Art's "bed"

Special birthday memories!



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