Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Nana arrives & End of school / Summer Birthdays Party

Poor Nana.  Her flight was delayed and delayed and delayed.  Art finally was able to get her from the airport around 1am or so.  But she did finally make it.  Just in time, because today is Zachary's very last day of preschool.  For his WHOLE LIFE! :)  There was a little party in his class to celebrate the summer birthdays (including Zach's).  Nana got to go to that party, but spent most of her time there doing this:

Nana taking care of "Baby Nick" and giving him a bottle so I could enjoy Zach's class party

Wyatt, as always, making himself at home in Zach's class

Zachary (in blue) sitting at the table for snacks and water

Here, the kids with summer birthdays got to hit the pinata 4 times to try and break it.  It just would NOT break until Ms. Meredith finally went to town on it.  Here's Zachary giving his all for his 4 whacks

Zach's class grabbing for candy and treats out of the pinata



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