Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zachary Graduates!

Today is a momentous day.  Zachary graduates from preschool.  He is released into the world where he will have to attend kindergarten in the fall (which I am ALREADY dreading).  The YMCA makes a big deal out of preschool graduation.  All three classes (one part-day~Zach's, and two full-day) learn two songs, wear graduation caps, and receive a "diploma".  A big night. 

Poppi and MeMa brought the big boys back into town just in time for Zachary to be able to graduate.  It was a busy day.  First, after preschool, the class met at Charlie's house for pizza and playing.  Poppi and MeMa were able to go, as was DaU, who took his lunch hour then to be able to attend the festivities (and eat pizza!).

Later that evening, we drove Z to the Y by 5:30 and got ready for a 6pm graduation.  So so cute!  I was near tears it was all so cute!  After the ceremony, they showed a slide show of pictures of all the kids, and Zachary was in a few of them which was nice.  After the slide show, everyone met downstairs for a potluck dinner.

Here's the pictorial record of our evening.
Here we are, excitedly watching Zach's class come onto the stage: MeMa, Shayna, Art, Wyatt, and Yannick asleep in the carseat

Zachary looking for us, sitting next to Clara - an old favorite (we always tried to "beat" Clara to school, she was always there first)

They smartly turned on the house lights so the kids on the stage could locate their families, and here Zachary is spotting us!  My heart swelling like a cheesy Hallmark card!

Wyatt supporting his brother

Zachary's Diploma

Proud parents

Our graduate!

I am certain we'll have many more of these little graduations, prob from Kindergarten, then from elementary school, then middle school, then finally high school before we get to any higher education ceremonies!

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