Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, May 09, 2011

Lazyboy Fan

We had a nice bouncy vibrating chair for Zach when we were in ABQ.  We loaned it out and never got it back.  Thankfully Railey loaned us theirs.  I have memories of Zach sitting in this chair when he was 3-4 mon old when we visited the P.Counts fam in VA.  Now we'll have lots of memories of Nick in the same chair...

He does great in this chair.  He loves it.  He'll stay in here for 20+ minutes without getting fussy.  The vibration generally causes a surprise for us in his diaper, but it's still totally worth it!  Soon, he'll start reaching intentionally for the toys that hang down.



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