Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Awana Graduation

Tonight was graduation for the kids in Awana.  Zachary finished his second year of Cubbies and in the fall will go into the Sparks class.  He is very excited about being a Spark.

Zach, with super short hair, is 4th from the right

Zach and his pals singing the Cubbies song

This year, there was a special class for Wyatt's age (2yr olds) called Puggles.  It started as just a babysitting for the younger kids while the big kids were at Awana and turned into a special class with a lesson, coloring, snack, etc.  Wyatt graduated from Puggles tonight.  A Puggle, fyi, is a baby platypus

Wyatt very proud to have received a certificate for graduating from Puggles.



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