Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wyatt Gym Class

Wyatt LOVES gym class.  He loves the class, and he also loves that he has his own "class" that he goes to while Zachary is at preschool.  It is one of the best 40 minutes of his week.

This week's setup - each week has a different set-up of equipment

Wyatt doing a forward roll on the cheese wedge mat

Wyatt's favorite part of class is using the parachute!

Wyatt doing the parachute with his "buddy" Alex (in blue)

They go under the parachute and do some things, including "napping" which is always cute.  Wyatt is here with his buddy Alex

Singing "Wheels on the Bus" b/f parachute during circle time

Doing some jumping up and down at circle time

Wyatt doing the "teddy bear goodbye" song then off to hug Ms. Mary (who is also the gym teacher for Zachary's preschool)

We did not sign him up for the spring class because we were not sure how things would be with the baby coming.  So we just came by class today as a visitor on their last day of spring class.  I had not taken any pictures/videos of gym class over the past months, and wanted to make sure it was well recorded.  They don't have gym class in the summer, and we'll have to decide if we will sign him up for it in the fall.



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