Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Return and New visitors!

This week MeMa arrived on Saturday.  She got a few days to get to know Yannick, then Poppi arrived on Wednesday.  Arriving on Thursday was Aunt Juicenana.  Aunt Juicenana was in town for a work trip and was able to stay an extra few days at the end and hang out with us.  Mr. Alex came up on Friday to see us (and really Joanna) as well.  On Friday, Poppi and MeMa took the big boys with them back to ATL, leaving the house with just Art, Yannick and I.  Glorious!  Then Alex left Saturday night, and Joanna left Sunday evening. Here are some pics while we had those visitors.

Aunt Juicenana meets Yannick!

MeMa getting to know her newest grandson while being a good mattress

Wyatt as Superman protecting MeMa and Nick

Wyatt, Nick, Zach

2nd attempt at a brothers picture

Wyatt wanting to hold his baby brother

Zachary holding an unhappy Nick

Aunt Juicenana holding a sleeping Nick while Shayna napped

Aunt Juicenana giving Yannick his evening supplement bottle at Walker Bros Pancake House.  We ate there with Art and Alex.

By Sunday everyone had left and we were just 3 again.  Quite reminiscent of when we had just Zachary, except being MUCH more relaxed and patient!  Life is so easy with just 1!



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