Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Safety Swimming!

Today, during Zachary's preschool swim class, he got to learn how to swim in his clothes and how to make a life vest out of his pants.  Not exactly mastered by the 4 and 5yr olds, but it was fun to watch them try!

Zachary in the middle with the blue shirt on - the kids learning how to swim w/ clothes, in case they ever fall in

Z sitting w/ blue shirt on, preparing to enter water

Zach getting ready to swim across the pool

The interesting thing was I was a bit nervous during this, afraid that Zach would struggle too much. At one point, no teacher was looking at him, and it appeared he was having a hard time, and I wanted to yell down at them to help him, but he of course did not need any help.  He did great, despite the loads of extra weight from the clothes.

Zach swimming in clothes

The whole thing was fun to watch. The swim instructors had the kids take off their pants, attempt to tie a knot in the pants legs, hit them on the water hard, which made them fill with air. Very interesting thing to know. None of the kids could actually do it, but maybe the lesson will stick with them.



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