Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, May 06, 2011

Hangin' with Nick

Just some pics of us hanging out with Yannick.

big boys seem more interested in yannick, once we made him more accessible (on the floor)

sitting up time w/ DaU

Wyatt attempting to hold his little brother - taking his job as big brother very seriously - so so cute!

Doing his best to sit up!

Zachary taking a turn to hold his little little brother

An attempt at a good brothers picture

The big boys are becoming more interested in what Yannick is doing and what they can do with/for him.  Wyatt has taken to his role as big brother in a huge way.  I've been so impressed with him and his willingness to help me with Nick.  Zach has been less interested.  Even said to me, in a quite conspiratorial manner "sooo, do you also wish we didn't have a baby - he cries a lot".  Giving me permission to not want him anymore I guess. :)  I keep waiting for the day that they make Yannick laugh, THEN they will probably be addicted to getting me to laugh!

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