Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011


The much hyped, much dramatized, blizzard of 2011 hit us this week.  It was everything the weather people promised - high high winds and snowfall of 18-24 inches.  It started around 2pm on Tuesday (this is after we got 2 or so inches Monday night), and stopped finally around noon on Wednesday.  Some places the snow was only about 2 feet deep, but others, where the wind had blown so much, the drifts were up to 6 feet or higher.  One family's minivan was 100% covered by snow (they live right by the lake)  The sun came out, and so did all the people in the neighborhood to dig themselves out.  Such a crazy experience!

Snow piled up on the window

Our front porch

The steps after neighbor Jesse cleared them

View from the open front door - could barely open the storm door b/c of the snow

Watching the neighbors dig out while our boys nap

Clearing paths, digging out cars, and helping a stuck van

After the boys (and my) nap, we got bundled up and braved the cold to 1) check out the carnage, 2) play in the snow, and 3) dig out the car.  Here's what we found:
First checking it all out, and playing

Hard to tell, but Art and the boys are next to a snow drift that comes up to Art's elbow

Zach climbing a snow hill, Art attempting to, but sinking down to his knees

Wyatt helping out with the shovel, while Zach plays in the background.  Art is trying to entice someone onto the sled

Wyatt fell down in the snow and started screaming "I'm STUCK!"

Now off to check out the car, which was parked about a block away.

Art digging a 2' trench around the car

Art digging out behind the car

Not too bad!  Look, I remembered to raise the windshield wipers

Wyatt helping to get the snow off the car

Art contemplating the car before starting work

Zach playing on the snow hill made by Art shoveling

While Art was digging the car out, we saw our friends, the W. family heading down the street.  They had been going to the nearby playground when they spotted us outside, and came over to chat and play.  Two of their boys joined Zach in playing with the sleds and on the snow hills.  Curtis took a turn helping to shovel out the snow, then his wife took the reins while the dads had sled races w/ the boys.  To race, Art and Curtis had to pull the sleds while running, then release them for the boys to go flying.

Max helping his mom shovel out our car.

Jack & Caden discussing important things

Jack flying by

Zach and Caden racing - Curtis and Art doing all the work

A technical difficulty and Zach falls off the sled; Jack still happy with the win

Hard to see, but there are people out up and down Keeney St., chatting about the blizzard, and digging out.  Such a fun community feeling!

Art and Curtis helped a single lady dig out her car, and by the time they were done, our boys were ready to go home.  We said goodbye to the W family, happy to share our blizzard experience with them.  At home, we all had some hot apple cider and played a bit before dinner.  Surely the best Wednesday we've had in a long while!



Anonymous Meg said...

Such fun pictures, Shayna! We got snow too, but nowhere near as much. Awesome sled race... I was cheering for Zachary :).
Much love,

2:40 PM  

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