Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, February 05, 2011

Post-blizzard sledding & lunch

After all that snow, we thought it would be a great idea to go sledding after visiting with Mr. Steffeck.  Unfortunately, we also told the boys that after sledding we'd go to Steak & Shake for lunch.  This was unfortunate b/c then all they wanted was to go to lunch, and they did not last very long at the sledding hill.  Wyatt even got bored/tired, and elected to sit with me on a giant snow mound to watch.  Art ended up going down a few times by himself after the boys were ready to go.  Next time, the lunch outing will be a surprise.


Art and Wyatt taking a run down the hill

Zachary zooming down the hill

Last time, we suspected that the green sled was much faster than the red one, and so this time, scientist Art had to test it.  Once Zach was done sledding, Art took a few runs on the green sled and went noticeably faster and further.  Interesting!  Also, the hill was a bit more dangerous this time, with all the new snow.  there were craters and mini hills at the very top.  Art and the boys had been starting lower down to avoid the "more advanced" portion, but as soon as the boys were done, Art tackled the hill from the very top.  He nearly wiped out once, and definitely got some air on one run.  Quite a bit more X-games.

Then off to Steak & Shake for lunch.  I confirmed that the only reason the boys love this place was because of the free paper cars.  Sigh.  Still, it was good enough.  Kids eat free on the weekend, so they each got their own kids meal - Zachary with mac & cheese, and Wyatt with - a first - chicken tenders, which he devoured.  He was not allowed to have any fries until he ate his fruit.  Unfortunately for him, the choices were applesauce, which he hates, and oranges.  I went with oranges, but that was a disaster b/c it turned out to be mandarin oranges from a can, with the syrup and everything.  Wyatt hates that too.  So in the end we got him to eat 3 oranges, under much protest, and he was able to enjoy some fries.  THEN, the best part, we ordered a seriously delish shake to split.  Usually we get a kids shake and split that, but this time, I forgot to say JR size, and we got the full size!  I thought "we'll never finish it", and of course we did.  Wyatt started out w/ some milkshake poured on his plate that he ate with a spoon until he found out how great it was, then went full force into the glass w/ his spoon.  Zach was a milkshake eating machine!
Wyatt enjoying his Steak n Shake

After that, it was getting late, and we headed home.  Wyatt was starting to lose it (it was nearly 2pm), and even Zach was acting pretty tired.  We got home and the boys went straight to bed.  Shortly after, Joanna and Alex returned to pick up Joanna's car and drive back down to Champaign, so we chatted with them for awhile before they left (giving me a lift to the Jr. League thrift store on their way out).

Full day!!



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