Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Sklar Family Christmas - Opening presents!

Finally, the moment Zachary has been yearning for - more present opening!

Joanna & Joy opening presents

Staci, Creed, MeMa during present opening time

Shayna, Zachary, Art, Wyatt - keepers of the wrapping paper trash bag and the passers-out of the presents.

Wyatt in full fireman costume, trying out his (non-working, thankfully!) bullhorn

Art, who got a REAL fire extinguisher from his secret santa is having a "fire extinguisher proost" with Wyatt.

Zachary showing off his knight costume

Our family of 4 caught in action

Zachary & Wyatt posing for costume pictures

More than a pleortha of presents here!

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