Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Danke Sinterklaas!

Sinterklaas was a bit delayed this year in Savannah.  We saw him earlier this month, in Skokie, but he got lost down south.  Today, we celebrated Sinterklaas in two rounds.  A before-dinner round with the boys, and an after-the-boys-were-in-bed round for the adults.  Zachary and Wyatt did much better than expected.  I thought they would be impatient and grubbing for presents, but they did a great job being patient for their turn, and patient reading the rhymes that go w/ their presents.

Tante JaJa helping Wy open his cat calendar

Boys opening a present

Wyatt hoping for a basketball

A break in the opening for Art to read Wyatt his doctored Green Eggs & Ham book (eggs and ham bits changed to "play basketball", and the Sam bits changed to "Wyatt")

Oma helping Zach with a physical challenge clue

Zachary excited about his lego plane!

Zachary, DaU, and Tante JaJa with the physical challenge

One of Wyatt's favorite parts was when we recreated his "gym class" parachute time with an old sheet.  The parachute is his favorite at gym class, and he really enjoyed recreating it.

The back of Art's DaU shirt (atomic soccer ball)

Art (great smile!) wearing the shirt I got for him for Sinterklaas.

Art opening a mayo jar

The fake slippers from Art's wish list

Opa & Oma opening their gifts

It was a lovely time.  No show-stoppers. Fun had by all.  Plus, lots of yummy Dutch goodies to snack on!

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