Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, December 25, 2010


Today we had a Merry Christmas - Savannah style.  Art's parents woke us all up w/ hymns playing, and brought a candle, to represent Jesus being the light of the world, into our room w/ a tray of tea.  What a lovely way to wake up.  Then we had breakfast in our jammies by candlelight in the dining room.  The boys loved eating by candlelight, and I'll have to remember to do that every now and then.  Zachary unfortunately got sent back to bed to get control of himself, because he was having a fit about wanting MORE PRESENTS, even though Sinterklaas visited him just 2 days ago  - dishing out plenty of toys.  We had to have a few chats with him about being greedy and ungrateful, etc, and he was finally ok to come back to the table and apologize to everyone.  Despite Zach's setback, it was still a lovely breakfast.

a nice blurry picture of the Christmas table

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