Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Butterfly Christmas Party

Zachary's preschool class, the Butterflies, had their class party today.  It was a short, low-key event, complete with secret santa gift exchange, goodie bags, juice, and of course, cupcakes.  With red frosting.  Uggh...the mess around the mouth, looking like dried blood.  Christmas needs a more food coloring friendly color.  Zach was very excited to pick out presents for his secret santa recipient, a girl.  He picked out a princess book, because "all girls seem to really like this princess stuff", and some craft supplies, because who doesn't love crafts, and a pink hello kitty bag to put it all in.  Marlene seemed to enjoy it all, but you never know since she only speaks Italian.  Zach's secret Santa gave him 3 matchbox size cars, which, SHOCKER, he loved. :)

Zachary (in the green sweatshirt above the girl in red) and his class waiting to receive the gifts from their secret santa.

Wyatt, firmly believing this is "his class too", making himself at home at the table with Madeline and Zachary.

As always, a super cute event!

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