Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Preparing for Sinterklaas & Christmas

Today was GORGEOUS weather, and we all spent much of the day outside...just because we could.  Christmas in Savannah does have it's good points!  Once we were inside, we concentrated on decorating the Christmas tree first.

Tante Janneke, Wyatt, Art, and Zachary decorating the tree

Wyatt's favorite place to hang ornaments - on the bottom!

Sometime after dinner it was time to sing Sinterklaas there.  He was coming the next day, and the boys put their shoes out by the door in anticipation.  Then off to the piano to sing some songs.

Art and the boys singing Sinterklaas songs with Tante Janneke & Oma

It was nice that the boys did know several of the songs from all of our practice at home.

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