Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Sharing a Bed

It started at Aunt Staci's house, where the boys had to share an air mattress.  The first night, Zach was very upset to have to share a bed with Wyatt and wanted to sleep on the floor, but that was more of a factor of it being after 10:30pm, and him having been awakened during the transfer from the car to the bed.  He had to freak out about something.  The next night they were both thrilled to share a bed.  Naps are NOT a good idea for bed sharing, as they just ended up wrestling.

So when we got to PoppiMeMa's house, we let the boys decide where they wanted to sleep.  It was a full house, with everyone there, so they either needed to be in the rec room with us, or Zach in there and Wyatt in PoppiMeMa's room in the pack-n-play or the toddler mattress if he wanted.  This is what they picked:

Boys sharing the futon bed in the rec room

During the day they took naps in the same room, but in different beds.  One of them usually slept in mine & Art's bed with the other on the futon.  Only once I think did one of them (Zach) complain about sharing a bed.  Not sure if this is a new standard for them or not, but it sure was cute!  In the mornings, they did not mess with us at all, but went straight to PoppiMeMa's room to get someone to go downstairs with them and play. 



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