Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, December 04, 2010

Sinterklaas Has Come to Town!

Tomorrow, Dec 5, is officially Sinterklaas.  Today is the Sint & Piet party at a church in Skokie.  We went last year, and it was very enjoyable.  It's $10/child, and they have coloring, crafts, Dutch goodies, and all the Chocolate milk you can drink.  Sinterklaas comes (with two Piets) and chats w/ each child.  The parent submits, ahead of time, a few things that the child enjoys, to give Sint something to talk about.  I told Sinterklaas that Zach likes Legos and Soccer, and Wyatt likes Basketball and cats.

We left on time, despite the several inches of snow...the first of the year...we got today. 

Wyatt spent most of the morning helping himself to bowls of papernoten, a gingerbread-like cookie

Wyatt showing off his chocolate milk face

Lots of Dutch people, and people that speak Dutch, excited about Sinterklaas

Wyatt and Zach started the morning off with coloring and chocolate milk

Zach getting a quick snuggle from Mommy

Zach working on his craft - making a Sinterklaas hat.  Last year Z made a Zwarte Piet hat, but did not want to wear it today.

Z proudly displaying his creation

After much singing and fanfare, Sinterklaas arrives.  First however, two Piets arrive, having stolen Sint's staff.  They passed out papernoten, threw it in the air, and hid the staff.  Once Sint arrived, he announced that someone had stolen his staff, and most of the kids ratted out the naughty Piet, who got put into timeout.  Then it was time to call up all the kids.

Sinterklaas with his helper Rote Piet

Art took the boys up to talk to Sinterklaas.  They both received their presents from Sint at home this morning (a racing truck for Zach, a soccer ball for Wy), and were instructed to say "thank you" to Sint for their presents.  Last year, we stayed until the end when all the presents "from Sinterklaas" were dumped out onto a table and there was mass chaos getting the presents.  This year, we had limited time, as Zach had to be at a gymnastics birthday party (Clara) at 12:45.  Plus, the chaos was not enjoyable, so we decided to do presents at home, which worked out great.  Zach had been VERY excited to talk to Sinterklaas for weeks, and now, in the moment, froze with his finger in his mouth.

Wyatt did concede to talk to Sinterklaas, once he asked questions about the things Wyatt likes, especially basketball.  Zach never said anything to Sint.

Wyatt even got friendly and gave out a high-five!

After that, we were free to go whenever, which was wonderful because it was just 11am.  Now we would have time to go home and play in the snow before the birthday party!  Enjoy the first snow of the season.  We took plenty of goodies home to enjoy later.  A great time had by all!



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