Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, December 04, 2010


Having gotten out of the Sinterklaas Feest earlier than expected, we found ourselves with a good 30 minutes to spare b/f Zachary and I had to leave to go to a birthday party.  What can be done in 30 minutes for the whole family??  Enjoy the brand new snow!
Wyatt using snow from the porch for snowballs

Art's hard work rolling up the snowman, snowman after decorations

Art & Zach at a standoff, Shayna & Zach making snowballs

Zachary, asked to pose w/ Mommy, ended up pelting her instead. Mommy throws "air" (her snowball fallen out of her hand) at Zach.

Zach agreeing to pose w/ snowballs

Shayna, Zach, Wyatt posing in front of snowman

Boys enjoying snow

Wyatt in the snow, Zach posing with his OWN snowman

Zach making a snow angel

The perfect amount of time!  We had just started to get cold and tired when it was time to go in and get ready for the birthday party, and for Art and Wyatt to eat lunch.



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