Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aunt Joy visits!!

Yea!  Aunt Joy came to visit us this weekend.  Just for fun!

Aunt Joy came in on Friday afternoon.  Art stayed w/ the boys while I went to the airport to get her.  We switched sitter nights and got one for tonight so we could go out to dinner w/ Joy.  We dropped the boys off at Morgan's and headed downtown for CHI-style pizza.  We found parking, no problem, for about $3.50 about 1/2 way between our two intended destinations: Duo pizza & then the Drake Hotel.  The line was out the building for dinner, uggh, the hostess said over 30 min wait. It was Friday night! We gave our pizza order and settled in for the long wait.  About 2 minutes later, we were sitting down - score!  After veggie appetizer, we got our pizza (pepperroni deep dish) very quickly.  So so so good. 

Joy and I post dinner - so full!

Then off to the Drake Hotel for drinks & dessert.  We had never been to the Drake, and it's a seriously famous place, and we've been wanting to.  So charming!  They had a live band, a married couple, the husband played piano, flute, & sax and the wife sang.  I had the world's best hot chocolate in the cutest little pot.  I was in pain from drinking so much hot chocolate.  I wanted so badly to ask for a to-go cup for the part I could not finish.  We also split a chocolate mousse which of course was exqusite.  Too rich, but yummy.  The wife band leader called Art out a bit for being with two women, which of course was horrifying to Joy. :)  It was getting late, so we went back to get the kids and off to bed.

Saturday's big outing was to the beach.  The M. family came w/ us too.  Glorious weather for the beach, even if we got a bit of a late start.  Water was cold cold cold, as usual, even at the end of August.

Wyatt in a hole full of water he helped build, and Wyatt our little cutie standing on the water.

Zachary enjoying the sand castle building

Shayna w/ two unwilling picture participants

Counts and partial M. family

After the beach we all headed back to our house and the M. family stayed for lunch.  Nap time for everyone afterwards!

We had some low-key plans after naps, but then decided to blow those up and head downtown, check out Navy Pier, etc.  We packed a picnic dinner and took off on the train w/ 2 strollers.  Unfortunately we did not know that there was a big festival on Navy Pier and it was PACKED.  Art and Joy went on the Architecture boat tour while the boys and I hung out. 

We braved the crowd (strickly because Zach had to go potty), went into Navy Pier, upstairs at the water/plant garden and hung out for a bit.  Then outside to watch some boats, carnival rides, etc.  By then the hour was up and we moseyed over to get Art and Joy.  Then picnic dinner (itallian pasta + sides) and walk to Millenium Park...the wrong way.  We thought we were finding a way that avoided stairs that we once found, but alas, not this time.  We made it to the Park, and they were having a tribute to American Dance program, which we watched and listened to until about 9pm, then decided we needed to hit Bean before going to the train and heading home.  Wyatt fell asleep on the train, and Zachary very nearly did.  Late night, and off to bed.

Sunday starts early as usual and we decide to brave walking to church.  A bit warm and sweaty, but enjoyable - and necessary because of all the EATING! :)  After church, Joy wanted to stop by the ice cream store for treat.  The store hours were that it was to open at noon, and we waited and waited and waited, and it never did, so we went into a small convenience store and bought some bars.  Not as exciting as getting a cone or cup of ice cream, but good enough.  So we though.  Until the melting started.

Boys with messy shirts!  They ended up riding the rest of the way with no shirts on.  Fun for them.

Back home for a bit of lunch, then naps.  Then time to take Joy to the airport.  Too fast!

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