Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Celebration Art!

On Art's actual birthday, we were in NC at the Counts family reunion.  Then, thanks to traveling and the boys being in ATL, we were not together as a family again, at home, until early August.  I kept putting it off, and putting it off, and today we finally had a belated birthday celebration for Art.  After breakfast in bed (cinnamon rolls & bananas) - all 4 of us in bed, and after Art looked at the cards everyone made for him, we moved to the table to open presents.  Zachary specifically picked out something he thought Art would like.  A monster truck named El Toro Loco.  Great job by Zach, as Art did love it.  Here are the boys, attempting to pose w/ their DaU, and then sharing the responsibility of opening the present.

Fun morning!  And yes, it was a bit chilly that morning, odd for end of August, but it did warm up.  We had all the windows open still, and the breeze was a bit chilly - causing the boys to ask for sweatshirts.

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