Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Counts Family Vacation - Day 3 - Last Day

Slept great last night.  Was not thrilled when the boy next door awoke at 6:30, but was very happy that our boys slept until 7:15!  Having gotten enough sleep, I was not grumpy, and we had such a sweet fun time in the tent.  So lovely to be all together and close.  We lasted about 45 minutes before the wrestling got a tad out of hand, and the call of the bathroom was too great.  Breakfast went quite smoothly this time - we heated water and milk up at the Kamping Kitchen and made oatmeal.  Huge hit, along with OJ, and apples.  Once breakfast was over, word on the street was that the jumping pillow opened early.  Off we went, complete with another round of French Vanilla cappuccino.  We found out that check-out was not until 1pm, so we were not in a huge rush.  I did spend some time packing up things, rolling up sleeping bags (except mine - Art is way better than me, and able to roll it super tight), and getting stuff ready for another swim.  While the kids played around the site, we leisurely packed up a bit, but not completely.  Short bout on the jumping pillow, then the kids were begging for the pool.  It was a bit warm today, with the sun out, which made the pool SO LOVELY!  Still cold, but in the sun, it felt great.  We were in the pool for nearly 2 hours before getting out to shower (oops, I forgot Art's shorts, and he had to wear his wet suit back to the tent).  Back to the site.  Art tearing down the tent and packing up while I fixed lunch for the boys.  Got everything totally packed up and Art and the boys went to the playground while I got stuff loaded into the car.  Art and I ate lunch while the boys played.  One last bout on the jumping pillow (finally Wyatt was excited by it, until other kids came), and into the car.  Tired and sweaty.  Art wanted to drive the 1 mile into "downtown" Lena which did not take long - very small town.  We got gas - it was over $0.25 cheaper here - and headed home.  Wyatt slept like a champ, but Zach never did fall asleep.  We made him be quiet and rest for 1 hour, then let him watch a video.  Traffic into CHI was a bear and it felt like it took forever to get home.  However, thanks to bad traffic, we discovered a new route to the highway - Devon.  Very fast and deserted (on a Sunday at 5pm).  Back home, unpacking, and eating pizza.  Lovely trip!  The surprise end occurred when we took the kids to the playground behind the house to play just a bit before bed, and ran into a couple w/ 2 girls (2 &5) that had flown in from London that day to visit one of our neighbors.  So wonderful to chat with them, enjoying their British accent.  We had planned on staying at the playground for about 15 minutes, and stayed nearly an hour - putting the kids to bed at normal time instead of early.  Fun little ending.  Made us miss our friends Jake & Maddy.  A great vacation - we were quite glad we did it!  We'll try a different KOA next time, but we did love Lena, IL, and would recommend it!  Things to not forget:  the Lexus C2 parked by the RV with the license plate "R NEW C2", the posted speed limit sign of 4 1/2 miles per hour (must have something to do w/ golf cart speeds), the golf cart pimped out with off-road tires (WHY no pics of this??), to put a screen tent (for over the picnic table) on our wish list, as well as coffee percolator.

Since no pictures were taken today, here are some random pics of Wyatt I have hanging around my "not processed" folder.

July - Wyatt being happy in the camper in WI

July - Wyatt asked me to take a picture of him with the cat toy.  Took 3 attempts before he was satisfied.



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