Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Never-ending Playroom Battle

Art likes to make fun of me for wanting the playroom to stay tidy.  He says it's a lost cause, it's for the boys, and we should just leave it.  So I go back and forth, and endless battle, with keeping it clean and letting it get destroyed.  The boys are pretty good at cleaning up, as long as they are specifically directed on what to do.

There is a time, however, when even Art agrees that it's time to clean it: whenever anyone is coming to spend the night.  This is why I like having company! :)  This weekend, Aunt Joy is coming to visit, so the playroom must be shoveled out.

Before - rt hand side: poor Buster, left on his face

Playroom After - rt hand side

Playroom Before - left side

Playroom After - left side

Ahhh, chaos gone, order reins least until morning. :)



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