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Sunday, August 15, 2010

World Cup - Together for the Gospel

Today was the big day.  Months in the making.  I'm so proud of Art.  He had this idea that our church, EBF, should play a game of soccer with a local Congolese church that EBF occasionally does stuff with.  This idea blossomed from an informal pick-up game into a massive Together for the Gospel (the yearly get-together) event.  Complete with hundreds of hot dogs, 40lbs of watermelon, etc.  Over 100 people showed up.  There were over 30 adults that wanted to play on the EBF team, and a handful of older kids that wanted to play with the adults (instead of waiting for the kid game).  Art started it all, and organized most of the day.  It never would have been pulled off without the help of many many people.  Turned out to be a huge success.  Art had people from the Congolese church asking to do it again, and if they could do other social stuff together (movies, bowling, etc).  Fun!

The day started off at church where Art had to go on stage!  I was SO looking forward to that.
Pastor Jason interviewing Landu (from the Congolese church), then Art getting up on stage to "challenge" their church to a soccer match

Art showing off the used/refurbed trophy that was at stake

The crowd during the game

Game time!!  Very serious players out there!

After some CUTE warm ups by TC, the kids divide into teams

And start to play amoeba ball

Finally people get wise to the unfairness of the game, and first make the field MUCH smaller, then finally, split the game into two games, one for the bigger kids that know what they are doing, and one for the little kids just having fun kicking the ball.  The adults played another game, after moving the kids to a different field.  Everyone was happy!

Zach and his friend CJ - also 4 - mostly just tackling each other, but occasionally touching the ball.

It was a great day for us. Art was very happy at the turnout and the success of the day. A lot of people helped with the logistics, set-up, tear down, etc.  We ended up with 50+ hot dogs and over 100 baby carrots at our house.  I parceled them out into small servings and unloaded them on the people at the church office.

Art *might* have mentioned that had he not been "in charge" of when the players subbed, etc, that he might have gotten to play a bit more.  But now that everyone in church knows how many soccer players there are, perhaps something more formal can be formed!

I got some great pictures from Steph M.  If I get some time later, I'll add a picture dump of some of the best ones.

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