Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Chore!

Today Zachary learned to fold our cloth diapers.  He was first a bit surprised that the diapers don't stink (guess he didn't realize that they get washed!).  Then he was very proud of himself for having mastered this new skill.  However, after folding about 15 diapers quite well, he was bored and wanted to go play.  I told him that we were all working on chores this morning (DaU & Wyatt were doing dishes), and he needed to finish the diapers before going to play.  He did a great job on them, despite the pouty attitude.  Looks like Zachary has a new chore!

Carefully folding them into 3rds, then in half.



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