Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Southern Boys in the Deep Deep South

Yowzers. Art was horrified by these pictures - he said they look too much like rednecks! What he doesn't know is that we were on our way to pick up Art/DaU at work, and they did not want to wear shirts in the car either. I didn't care, and would have let them go like that, but lucky for not-so-easily-embarassed Art, they changed their minds.

This was before Wyatt had his accident in the window. Now, nothing hangs in the window (you can see the red beaded culprit in these pictures), and noone is allowed in the window.

Climbing into the window

Attempting to smile for the camera - Zach squints and Wyatt says "mile"

More posing

Post jump onto the chair



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