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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Easter fun comes early

Since we would all be back in Evanston for Easter, Poppi and Mema wanted to do some early Easter activities so they too could enjoy it.  Yesterday, MeMa boiled about 2 dozen eggs.  Today was time to dye and decorate them.  Art is still at his conference in Portland, OR, so it's just the 5 of us...the boys still in their jammies!

Poppi helping Zachary and Wyatt put eggs into mugs

Wyatt waiting patiently for his turn with the stickers

After a bit of time for the eggs to dry and the boys to get some clothes on to go outside, it is time for an Easter Egg hunt!

Wy going to his fav place - the birdbath - to look for eggs

Zachary w/ his basket looking hard for his eggs

What good Easter egg hunt isn't followed up with a bouncing session in an inflatable castle??  Nana and MeMa funded a trip to the consignment sale the night the before and we stumbled upon this for only $8.  It had 2 holes in it that were patched up by duct tape. 

Inflatable bouncy castle - $8 at a consignment sale

Unfortunately the patches didn't hold so well, and all the air in the center part - where they jump - leaked out.  Once the patches are fixed though, I bet it will be lots of fun for them!

Later, after MeMa and Nana were done at work, they got to take part in another egg hunt.  We had no fewer than 6 hunts over the next few days.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun! We only decorated about ten eggs... but we still had a good time. I tried combining all the colors into a jug after we were done (never do this: it was the creepiest color I have ever seen).
Love yah!

4:42 PM  

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