Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Fun Birthday Party for K.D.

Zachary and Wyatt got invited to their friend K.'s 3rd bday party.  What a fun idea.  K.'s mom arranged for a local firehouse to give a tour of the firetrucks/ambulance/gear room etc.  It was a bit amusing, because the fireman's spiel was aimed at a bit older audience, but K., E., Zach and Wyatt listened intently and did not goof off!
Some cute pictures:

Zachary, Evie, Kale listening to the lecture - Kale brought his fireman hat, and Zach is wearing his firetruck shirt

Wyatt, Evie, Kale, and Zachary getting a tad tired of the hoses portion of the tour

Finally!  Bday boy gets to drive the firetruck!

As does a happy Zachary

Zach driving with an unidentifiable look on his face

Cutie Wyatt driving the firetruck

Wyatt loving it!

After the firehouse tour we headed over to the playground nearby to, in the words of Zach, pay pay pay.  We also got treated with yummy ice cream cake!  Too bad the weather was just a "BIT" windy!

Wyatt had a blast at the playground, not playing with others, or swinging, or his normal activities, but throwing tennis balls back over the fence gate to the players that accidentally hit them over.  He thought that was just grand.

Fun time had by all!  Happy birthday K.D.!

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