Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

He Is Risen!

Happy Easter to all!

Today, our church, Evanston Bible Fellowship, had the kids put on a performance for Easter.  The kids sang two songs: Mighty to Save, and My Redeemer Lives, complete with hand motions for the words.  We did not do a *great* job helping Zachary learn all of both songs, but he did have the words and motions down for the chorus of both songs.

Here is a video of the rehearsal, and one of the actual performance.

The rehearsal where most of the young kids still seemed interested in performing

Actual performance

The best part of this is that Zachary is standing next to two of his friends, Jack and Caden, who give a little extra in this video: Jack - shouts out an impromptu "MIGHTY TO SAVE", and Cade - got some nice tongue and hip moves b/f going into a gratuitous crotch grab.  So funny!  Takes the attention off of Zach, who is busy watching the video screen and picking his nose instead of singing. :)

Some pictures:

View from balcony - thanks to Stephanie M.

All the kids during the performance.  It must be noted that Zach's big love - Elizabeth (she holds his hand and escorts him to Awana Cubbies nearly every week) is on the far right wearing red and white.

Zachary with his pals, Jack & Caden.

After a rousing performance, all the kids head back to Praise Factory (Sunday School) for the remainder of the service, to wait patiently for their turn to head outside to the playground across the street for the egg hunt.

Wyatt, our aggressive one, did great on the egg hunt, getting almost as many eggs as Zach, though while not aggressive, was quick and agile.

Wyatt and Zachary looking for eggs

Wyatt with his cutie basketball basket

Zachary and Wyatt post egg hunt.  For the record, Art abhors the sport coats on each of them.  I love it!

Also, props to Art and I for not being failures as parents this year.  Last year, for Zachary's very first egg hunt, we totally forgot to bring him an Easter basket, even though Nana had sent 6 of them in the mail (1 for each of us, plus our two British house guests).  Zach collected eggs in a paper grocery sack.  This year, we got wise!

An item of note, one of our friends was helping hide the eggs and got picture proof of a squirrel grabbing the eggs and running up into a tree with them, cracking them open and eating the chocolate.  He was apparently ruthless!  Would have loved to see it, but the pics were fun!

Easter lunch was fantastic...we ate at Walker Brother's Original Pancake House, for the first time.  We joined the Davis family for their annual tradition, which was quite wonderful.  I ordered crepes and while wonderful, spend the rest of the day craving pancakes.  Next time!

Last bit about our Easter Day.  We decided to try something a bit new and different, and went to a family's house that we know from preschool, for Easter dinner.  It turned out to not be what we were expecting, but it was a wonderful time.  Of course Zachary was just happy to be at the home of his beloved Caroline (and Natalie).

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Blogger storm said...

oh what a lovely video and blog account of Easter! Thank you for putting up the video! makes me so miss all of you, but so nice to see how all of you are doing!

9:58 AM  

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