Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Another Drummer??? Sigh!

Zachary has been a fan of drums for a long long (comparatively to his life) time.  He got REAL drumsticks for his 3rd birthday.  No drums yet...we're putting that off for as long as possible.  Enter Wyatt, who also thinks drumming is GREAT!  They both like to watch the drums at church, and both like identifying the drums in songs they listen to.

Wyatt has now taken the drumming love to a new level.  He has a drum outfit: the pearl necklace.  He has a drumming seat: he takes the cover off the turtle stool.  He has a specific drum: the sofa in the playroom.  This whole set-up is the only way he will drum.  Can't find the pearl necklace?  Then no drumming!

Tonight, Art decided he would take Zach to Awana and enjoy an hour at Caribou Coffee, so I was at home with Wyatt.  These pictures represent most of the evening after dinner and prior bedtime.  He's a character, our Wyatt!

Posing prior to his show

Singing a bit too

Explaining his actions

Hard core drumming

Our little stinker!

Oddly, Zachary seems to have given up his love of drumming.  He still enjoys watching the guys at church, and listening to it, but it is rare to see him using his drumsticks. 



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