Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Monday, March 01, 2010

Ode to Spring

Ok, not an ode really, but more of a "sigh - I wish spring was here already".  In the car on the way home from the River Trail Nature Center this morning (several from Zach's preschool class went since there was no school for the MWF kids today), Zach asked if we could have a picnic at the playground today.  I said no, since there is SNOW ON THE GROUND.  So then he asked if just mommy, Zachy, & Wyatt could go to a restaurant for lunch.  I said "hmmm, we've never done that before.  Maybe, If I can find something that looks good" Then Zach followed with "I don't WANT to go home, I want to eat OUTSIDE".  So today, I brought back an old favorite - Picnic in the Front Room

We put down a blanket over the rug in the front room and had ourselves a nice little picnic.  Well...nice until Wyatt put a damper on it w/ some serious bad attitude that ended with him sitting alone in the dining room in his highchair screaming.  Lovely.  But it was sure nice while it lasted, and Zachary loved it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah Shayna, I am also SOOO longing for spring. It's been getting warmer in Germany for a while now, but then snow was forecast for this weekend. No fair :(.
Cute pictures, and such a sweet idea (picknick in the living room). Something to cheer some stir-crazy boys up. They are both so cute (I mean duh, they always were ;) ).
Love and hugs,

3:55 PM  

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