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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dexter loves small spaces

One night, or shall I start "It was a dark and stormy night...the heroine knew, by the hair standing up on the nape of her slender neck, that something was amiss...but where??  DUNH DUNH DUNH  In the bedroom the knight was there, glistening with sweat, as the stared down the chest of drawers.  Her hero bellowed at the evil drawers 'I shall prevail...I WILL rid you of excess tshirts and socks"

As Art had the drawers pulled out to downsize his tshirt collection, Dexter made himself at home.  He must have some 6th sense of when peculiar space is available for sleeping.

Dexter won that round, and the drawer stayed on the floor for the night, only be replaced in the morning.



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