Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, October 30, 2009

October Oddities

My attempt to catch up by putting all of October's pics in one blog. I'll have to do another one w/ some specific activities w/ no pics.

October 7, 2009

My boys watching football

Zachary "giddyup"

Zachary in horse/rider costume

Zachary in action with horse costume

October 12, 2009
Zachary in a new favorite pasttime - creating "car circles"

Has used all the cars he could find

Close-up of circles

Zachary creating car circles

October 13, 2009

Zachary reading the bible ~ though it sounds like a prayer

October 16, 2009

Zachary and Wyatt waiting for DaU to come back from getting his bike so they can say goodbye through the window.

October 17, 2009
This weekend we had planned on going camping with 2 other families. However, it was too cold. So we changed it to a day-trip to an apple orchard to pick apples and go through a corn maze, etc. However, it was too rainy. So we decided to drive down to Lincoln Park Zoo, hoping to get a break in the rain. No luck. We ended up at the mall. The mall. Really. We played on the escalators for awhile, and here are the kids playing on the rides in the food court.

October 18, 2009

Art as Robert Goulet maybe???

Zachary with an original use of a pillow

October 20, 2009

Zach's current obsession - bunk beds. He can't wait until he and Wyatt get to share bunk beds. Here is a triple bunk he's created. Perhaps the 3rd bunk is for a player to be named later??? Oh, and of course Zach has decided that he will get the top bunk.

October 25, 2009

Zach's crazy post-nap hair

Art was at a Northwestern Men's soccer game and missed all of this. He was not thrilled to find out that his boys had enjoyed themselves watching about 30 minutes of figure skating!

Zach had asked me to check and see if football was on, but got sucked into figure skating - Halloween on Ice actually - instead. He had never seen it!

The boys sitting together watching figure skating

Wyatt realizing the camera is on him

Getting comfy!

I'll save the last day of October - Halloween - for a separate post!



Blogger Bethany Headley said...

I love the car circles, very creative. :)

2:11 PM  

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