Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Zachary: Playdates w. Evie & Kale

Other than Jack, Caden, and Max, Zach's favorite people to play with are Evie and Kale. Zach used to have a mammoth crush on Evie until Elizabeth (EBF's associate pastor's daughter) came along. Elizabeth holds Zach's hand and escorts him to his class at Awana every week. Hard to beat that!

Evie and Kale came over for a few hours in September. They did a bunch of stuff together, including going outside and playing at the playground, but this is the only game I captured:

Here, Evie and Zach are going to a horse ranch. They are taking turns "driving" the horse, b/c it is a long way to get to the ranch. Apparently, whoever is driving gets to wear the helmet. Never thought my saddle would be used in this way! :)

About a month later, Evie and Kale came over again. This time I was able to capture more moments.

Here, Evie is wearing my Hershey's Kiss costume and Zachary is wearing my pumpkin face sweatshirt and Art's bowtie.

Here, Zachary is wearing a mix of Art's old Halloween costumes, including a 'fancy' vest and bowtie, and possibly a strand of fake pearls, while Evie is sporting a dress I used as a costume for a themed Murder Mystery dinner we hosted.

Zachary and Evie dancing

Poor Wyatt just could not take his morning nap with all the noise, so I finally set the three up with a Backyardigans video to give Wy a chance to fall asleep. It worked, and he stayed asleep, despite the noise for a good hour or more.

We did more during this playdate than we we generally do in a week. Some of the activities I can remember are: dress-up, dancing, puppets, playdoh, Hi-Ho Cherry-o, puzzles, bristle blocks, reading books, watching a video, snack time, foosball, cars cars cars, visiting Evie's 'magical land', visiting Zachary's 'magical land', jumping on the playroom couch, and even cleaning up! Good time had by all.



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