Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, November 01, 2009


Happy Halloween!
Strange holiday really, but the costumes are just so cute that how can you resist? . Our Halloween started off with a trip to the airport (for Zach and I) to pick up Poppi and MeMa. Zach refused to wear his costume, even though it would be super cute. Instead, he accidentally put his jeans on backwards and did not want to change them. I saw several ladies looking quizzically and I said "yes, they are on backwards, but he won't change them". Once we were all home and fed, we began the 1st Annual Counts Pumpkin Decorating.
Wyatt happy with all the activity.
Can't help showing off for the camera.

Shayna's pumpkin sweatshirt - got a few stares at the airport

Going to town on the little pumpkins

Zachary preparing to paint the bigger pumpkin (which Art and I were planning on painting)

Zachary's finished pumpkin

Wyatt getting into the groove of painting

Video of Z & W painting. Wyatt doesn't yet get that you have to clean off the brush btwn paint colors.

Soon after the painting, it was time for the boys to take a nap. Poppi exercised, Shayna and MeMa went to the store, and Art just relaxed. Boys up then it's trick-or-treat time! We thought that Wyatt would really hate the costume, but, though he complained while getting it on, he had no issues once he was set.

Here is a movie of us preparing to take a picture. I accidentally gave the camera to Poppi in movie mode instead of picture mode. Art was resigned to wear the soccer ball mask because I loaned out our good costumes to a couple that was going to a costume party. So next year I can be a Hershey's kiss again, and Art can be his fav 70s cop.

Zachary - cowboy marshal - trick-or-treating

Zachary w/ his trusty steed

Wyatt is a cutie as a duck!

Little Duck! Wyatt TOTALLY got the concept of trick-or-treating. In fact, he repeatedly tried to go back for seconds and thirds of candy. He loved putting candy into his bucket and carrying that bucket around! Everyone let him come back for move b/c it was too cute watching a little duck being a glutton.

Seriously, can you get much cuter than this - waddling, real waddling!!

Poppi, Wyatt, and???? MeMa! MeMa took over the task of wearing the soccer ball head after Art got too hot.

Both boys were suffering from a cold, so we made sure that Wyatt was carried a bunch so he would not wear out too soon.

Zach and Wyatt in their costumes. LOVE the cute hand-holding!

Chicago Counts Family Halloween picture - a bit later in the evening, after Art had given the soccer ball mask to MeMa. I was pretty impressed at how long the boys went. We started at Keeney & Judson, walked all the way to Kedzie & Judson on one side, back down the other all the way to Judson & South, then along Judson back to Keeney. Took us 1.5 -2 hours. I finally left to go get dinner going, and let the rest of them keep at it. However, the boys were getting cold and tired, so it wasn't too much longer b/f everyone was home again.

Fun family outing!!



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