Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Zachary's crazy hair

Here is what our Zachary looks like from the front - apparently normal hair.

This is the shock that Art got when Zach turned around (originally he was facing Art).


Zach decided today that he would sleep in "Mom/DaU bed" for his nap. I have no problem with that, as long as he tells me before we put Wyatt into his travel crib, so we can put him in his big crib (I like for the boys to nap in separate rooms still).

Unfortunately for Zach's hair, he slept on a flannel pillow that I use between my knees when I'm sleeping. The flannel turned his normally straight hair into a rats nest approximating hair.

We had some people comment later that they were wondering what in the world happened to his hair! Did not stop us from going to Steak and Shake for a free milkshake (see SNS blog).



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