Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Friday, February 06, 2009

Wyatt's big boy crib

Uggh. It took me WAY WAY WAY too long to put this crib together. It is a very old crib given to us by Art's parents. There were no instructions or anything. Just lots and lots and lots and lots of screws that had to come out and go back in, then out again (b/c I put something on backwards), then in again. Repeat. It made us long for the Krom heirloom bed that Zachary used in Duesseldorf. That bed was wonderful, and so easy to put together. However, it did finally get put together. We finally have decided to kick Wyatt out of our bedroom. He's been sleeping in the playroom for a few weeks while we got him used to sleeping away from us, and while he was being weaned from his night nursing. Had I known it would have been so easy we would have done that a few months ago. No screaming and holding over and over through the night like with Zach. Small tangent. I got the bed put together today, but Sunday is going to be the first night that Wyatt is going to sleep in his big bed (because we are taking a trip to Wisconsin this weekend). The big bed is in the same room with Zachary's toddler bed. They will be sharing a bedroom at least while we live here in Chicago and likely for many many years to come. Zach says he is very excited, but we'll see how it really goes. He has been correcting me when I say "Zach's room". He says "no mommy, it's Zachy AND Wyatt's room." Pardon me!

Here are some pictures of both boys in the crib for the first time. Zach is "helping" Wyatt get used to his new bed. Zach was even so kind as to allow Wyatt to use his "red car, blue car" sheets since the sports sheets earmarked for Wyatt's bed were not clean.



Blogger Bethany Headley said...

Oh how cute they look in the crib together! What a good big brother. :)

3:32 PM  

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