Three Musketeers: Zachary, Wyatt, & Yannick

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

Here are a few shots of us getting our house decorated for Christmas. I didn't pull out ALL the decorations - not enough space & not enough time to enjoy them. I considered not doing it at all, but Art convinced me that I should - knowing that I'd be happy if I did. So here we are (most of these were taken on Dec 9):

1. Art and Zach putting together the Christmas train. "Legend" (meaning Oma Sweet said so) has it that Oma Sweet bought this train over 20 years ago for Art's future children. Here is one of them enjoying it. Why does Art only have one shoe on?

2. Our little Charlie Brown Christmas tree. The best we could get for $26.

3. The living room

4. Zach testing the lights for his little tree

5. Zach one morning playing with the car ornament we got from Hawaii (it's a woddy station wagon). Check out the snow on the cars in the background.

6. Zachary sitting next to the little decorated tree in his room. He now knows what a trumpet, a violin, a harp, and a french horn are thanks to the little plastic ornaments on the tree. A small tidbit of trivia. This tree, its lights and ornaments, is the same one we used 3 years ago when the "Sklar" family spent Christmas in Taos. I brought this little tree so we'd have something festive. It's appropriate that Zach now has it since I was pregnant w/ him that Christmas and he was the reason we couldn't fly to GA and had everyone fly to us instead.



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